Arduino Rock Paper Scissors

My first arduino project

When I just started learning about Arduino, I made a simple blinking LED program. When this worked, I wanted to make something more fun and interesting. But I had limited resources, so I looked around until I found 3 LEDs and 3 buttons. When I tried to imagine what I could possibly create with just those things I realised I could make a game of rock paper scissors.

How it works

The player starts by pressing one of the buttons (rock, paper or scissors) and then the Arduino chooses one too at random. Afterwards, it shows the player who one. If only the right LED is on that means the player won, if the left light is on then the Arduino won and if both left and right are on it was a draw.

This project turned out really well and taught me a lot about Arduino and soldering. After I got it working, I compacted it into a little box, and it still works to this day. I still have fun with from time to time and I am happy that my first project didn't go straight into the bin.